We are live with our new website!
This last year has seen lots of changes within our community. We have rebranded and yes, we have a new name the Open Sanctuary, as well as a new logo. We struggled for a long time with the name, The Community of Mystic Healers which came from Rev Jude Will’s book, Jude is one of our co-founders.
We have a new name, new logo and new website, but our core beliefs and values remain the same.
We strive to be our best selves each day, we actively chose love not fear, but sometimes we fail, we are after all only human.
We begin each day in our morning office at 8am, setting our individual intentions for the day, you are more than welcome to join us in our zoom room, please contact us for the link.
We remind each other to pause often and to listen to the voice of our inner divine, which guides us to truly serve with love as we journey home to source.
Our one to one courses continue, as well as our group courses.
We are very excited to announce the Ordination of Rev Cate Reid, and welcome her as she steps into her ministry within the community.
We would like to thank Michael Hannah and Richard Scarborough for their help and support in creating our new logo and website.
Our social media platforms will develop next. Please give us a like and a follow.
With love,