I rest in God…

In reflecting on A Course in Miracles Lesson 109, I’m drawn to the idea of resting in the peace of God. The lesson invites us to be still and unafraid, but I know that understanding this fully takes time. When I take time to rest in God’s presence, I realise that this rest is not just for me—it’s shared with others. The peace I receive becomes complete when I offer it to my brothers and sisters.

The lesson reminds me that this peace isn’t limited by time. When I take time to rest in God, I am giving peace not only to those around me but also to those who came before and those who will come after. It’s comforting to think that each time I say, “I rest in God,” I’m joining in a timeless act of giving and receiving peace with all of creation.

I don’t claim to fully understand how this works, but I’m learning that this practice opens me to a deeper connection with the divine. Each moment of rest in God is an opportunity to remind myself—and the world—that our true home is within God’s peace, always available to us.

As I continue to reflect on this lesson, I hope that by taking time to rest in God, I’m contributing to a sense of shared peace for all. So today, I will gently remind myself, “I rest in God,” and trust that this simple act has a ripple effect, touching others in ways I may not fully grasp yet.

With love,


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