A cheery hello from me!
My name is Rachel and I have most definitely found my spiritual home at Open Sanctuary. I really value how it brings together those of all, and any, spirituality, without judgement. My own beliefs are nature based and ancient, but I am curious about the myriad of ways people choose to interact with their Divine. As humans, we often evolve our thinking with age and wisdom, and Open Sanctuary also smoothly absorbs these individual ebbs and flows of belief and understanding.
Before I became an Ordained Celebrant for Open Sanctuary, I had a few different professional roles, all of which revolved around people, rites and culture. The first was as a museum curator, the second as a charity fundraiser for a children’s hospice charity and then as an independent celebrant. What I really love is listening to people’s stories. Really listening. With my heart, my intuition and my ears. How can I help this person?
For me, ceremony is my magical tool. Especially those infused with a spiritual dimension, which are always powerful and healing. Open Sanctuary has really taught me how to combine my celebrant skills with my spiritual understanding of the world. So being an Ordained Celebrant really is the perfect role for me!
If you love colour, texture and fully immersive experiences, which tickle all your senses, please get in touch, to discuss creating your perfect ceremony.
With immense love and starry blessings
Rev Rachel xxx
More info: www.hopeceremonies.com
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07974 712978
Year of Ordination: 2023